Kiri Masters

Hi! I'm Kiri, a serial entrepreneur, writer, and podcaster.I founded Bobsled Marketing, an agency that I exited in 2022. During that time I became known as a leading expert in the field of retail media and marketplaces.As of May 2024, I am on a career sabbatical.But I'm working on some projects you may be interested in....



Kiri Masters is Head of Retail Marketplace Strategy at Acadia. Before its acquisition by Acadia, Kiri Masters was the founder & CEO of Bobsled Marketing, a digital agency that helps established consumer brands grow their retail marketplace sales channels. Bobsled was named one of the top 18 Amazon firms by Business Insider and ranked in the Marketplace Pulse Top 100.In 2022, Bobsled was acquired by the Atlanta-based digital marketing agency Acadia.During her time at Bobsled and Acadia, Kiri was considered a thought leader in the retail and ecommerce space.She contributed a regular column to Forbes about retail marketplaces from a brand’s perspective. She hosted the popular Ecommerce Braintrust podcast, and co-authored the books Instacart for CMOs and Amazon For CMOs (ranked one for the top 100 retail books of all time).In 2023 she was named an Ad Age 40 Under 40 and a top 100 retail influencer by RETHINK Retail.Kiri is an Australian national that has lived in the US (off and on) since 2012, most recently becoming an Atlanta transplant.In 2024 she announced a career sabbatical, taking time off to work on some passion projects and do some coaching for executives looking to enhance their personal brand.

© Kiri Masters. All rights reserved.

Executive Coaching

Build your Personal Brand and authority

Personalized, 1:1 help to build your personal brand, grow your authority, and land more opportunities.

Get yourself out there!

You know that building a personal brand is important to your business. Perhaps you have seen others  bring in more clients, get industry acclaim, and attract more opportunities -- just because they have a strong public persona.I can tell you that YOU deserve that, too. You already have the expertise and the knowledge. You just need a little help getting what’s inside your brain, out in front of your ideal audience.

How do I know this?

My name is Kiri Masters, and I was once in the same position. I had no credibility or rolodex in the retail industry. I needed new clients and I needed them to trust me. So I started sharing my expertise on the internet.It took longer than I’d like, because I didn’t have a system or any support.But within a few years, despite coming from a low base:

  • 100% of my business’ clients came from inbound content

  • I became a paid contributor to leading industry publications (including Forbes, where I remain a contributor today)

  • I wrote and published 3 books, including one that was named a top 100 retail book of all time by Book Authority

  • I was invited to speak on stage at industry events (and not the type where you ‘pay to play’)

  • I received awards like Ad Age’s 40 under 40, and was named a Top Retail Expert by RETHINK Retail

  • My business was eventually acquired in no small part due to its public profile.

I share these accomplishments not to impress you, but to impress upon you that these same things are within your reach.Today, writing and sharing my ideas comes easily to me. But it didn’t back then. I didn’t have a roadmap, I didn’t have any support, and I didn’t have the tools and frameworks that I have now.I want to help you skip the same learning curve and get the recognition you deserve!

What's included

A flat monthly fee for personalized programming that adapts as you level-up as a thought leader.
You get direct access to me to answer your questions and work together on your personalized thought leadership roadmap.

During our onboarding call, we will identify your goals & past challenges with thought leadership. Each month we will review your progress toward these goals.

I will connect you with a network of like-minded business leaders who are on the same mission. These are people who want to support you and see you succeed — they will comment and react to your posts, ensuring your content is not met with silence.

DIRECT FEEDBACK.My personal review & feedback on up to 2 LinkedIn posts per week. This direct feedback loop will help improve your skills and give you the confidence to hit ‘publish’ more consistently.

A CUSTOMIZED PLAN.A customized LinkedIn thought leadership strategy & process. Your plan will reflect your unique goals, experiences and skills. Depending on your goals, your plan can be executed in as little as 1 hour per week.

TOOLKIT.Access to the tools and frameworks that I use myself to make the thought leadership process simpler and more effective. I won’t overwhelm you with everything all at once — I will give you what you need, when you need it.

Outcomes you can expect

Get a clear understanding of your personal brand and the value you uniquely provide to the world. Build a healthier mindset around the value you offer to your industry.
We all get discouraged at some point, even me! I’m here to cheer you on and help you see the value in your expertise.Understanding your value proposition also ensures your content resonates with your ideal audience.

Have confidence that your posts won’t just be met with silence.
The worst feeling is when you’ve finally worked up the courage to hit “publish,” and then…. silence.I will pair you up with relevant peers who are also building their personal brands, so you have moral (and algorithmic!) support.

ACCOUNTABILITYYour monthly reports to me, your peer connections, the fact that you’re actually paying for this program…. All mean you’re more likely to stick with the plan and keep going.If you’ve struggled to commit to a regular thought leadership habit in the past, you may have been missing this healthy pressure.

LinkedIn is overwhelming and many people don’t know if they are ‘doing it right’.
The reality is, the number and quality of followers you have is important. So is the quality of information showing up in your newsfeed.I have spent thousands of hours creating content and interacting on LinkedIn, and can teach you the short-cuts.

Like any other skill, sharing your ideas requires sustained practice over time.
Building this new muscle can be challenging. But with your commitment, it can be an asset that you take with you wherever your go in your career.Whether that’s a new role, starting a new company, or a future career pivot.Accomplishing these goals is easier when you have an engaged and supportive audience, and the means to share your message with them.

ADVANCED INFLUENCEOnce you’ve nailed the basics, we can turn our attention to bold goals like winning awards, writing books and white papers, becoming a contributor to publications in your field, speaking at events, being quoted in the media, and more.With a foundation of demonstrated expertise, these are all things that are within your grasp.

What is asynchronous coaching?

Instead of packing your already-busy calendar with more calls, asynchronous coaching happens via video, messages, and text. This means you can execute on a custom personal branding strategy when it works for you.The communication system I use is called ClarityFlow, and you can access it via a web browser or an app on your phone. It’s where we’ll privately share all our 1:1 video and text-based messages, monthly check-ins, and where all my supplementary content (tools, reports, frameworks) are also stored for easy access.Our coaching is always private and 1:1. You can expect a response from me on any question within 1 business day.Try it out now →

This may not be for you if....

  • You can’t commit at least 1 hour per week to executing the plan that we agree on together.

  • You can’t commit at least 3 months to the process to see results.

  • You aren’t going to use LinkedIn as a primary platform for your thought leadership. This is not because I don’t think other social platforms can’t work -- it's just because I have the most experience with LinkedIn and this is where I know I can really help you.

  • You need someone to create your content for you. This coaching program is designed to ‘teach you to fish’ rather than handing you the catch of the day. Your personal brand, and ability to express your expertise, is a skill and asset that I believe you should own yourself.

What others have said about working with me


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